Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionary provides comprehensive references for data sources utilized within the mobility demand analysis tool. This resource is provided to assist with data exploration and help users understand how to navigate the demand analysis tool effectively.
Group | Layer Name | Data Source | Description | Data Vintage Date | Category | Pop-Up Field Name |
Demand Metric Layers | AADT | NYS GIS Clearinghouse | Average annual daily traffic | Mar-23 | Traffic monitoring | AADT |
Administrative Boundaries | NYSDOT Regions | NYSDOT | NYSDOT defined regions | Aug-24 | Reference | Region |
Administrative Boundaries | County Boundaries | Census | County name | Apr-24 | Reference | County |
Administrative Boundaries | Tract Level Urbanization | Census | Indicates % area overlap category of Census Tract with 2020 Census urban areas | Apr-24 | Reference | IsUrban |
Administrative Boundaries | Metropolitan Planning Organizations | NYSAMPO | NYS metropolitan planning organization boundaries | Aug-24 | Reference | N/A |
Socio-Demographic Layers | Tract Population 2019 | Census | 2019 Census ACS Population | Jan-24 | Reference | Pop2019 |
Socio-Demographic Layers | Tract Population Density (pop/SqMi) | Census | 2019 Census ACS Population Density (Population /Area SqMi) | Jan-24 | Reference | PopDens2019 |
Socio-Demographic Layers | CLCPA Disadvantaged Communities | NYSERDA | NYSERDA/CLCPA (New York State) disadvantaged community | Aug-24 | Reference | Is_NYSERDA_Disadv |
Socio-Demographic Layers | Justice40 Communities | Council on Environmental Quality | Justice40 (U.S) disadvantaged community | Aug-24 | Reference | Is_EJ40_Disadv |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Total Commute Trips | Replica | Number of commuting trips from the census tract where the trip began | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_Trips_TripStart_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Average Trip Distance (Miles) | Replica | Average trip miles for commuting trips from the census tract where the trip began | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_TripMiles_TripStart_avg |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Commute Trips Biking | Replica | Number of commute trips biking from the census tract where the trips began | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_BIKING_Trips_TripStart_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Commute Trips Carpool | Replica | Number of commute trips carpooling from the census tract where the trips began | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_CARPOOL_Trips_TripStart_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Commute Trips On Demand Auto | Replica | Number of commute trips using on demand auto (ex. Uber, Lyft, etc.) from the census tract where the trips began | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_ON_DEMAND_AUTO_Trips_TripStart_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Commute Trips SOV | Replica | Number of commute trips using private auto (SOV) from the census tract where the trips began | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_PRIVATE_AUTO_Trips_TripStart_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Commute Trips Transit | Replica | Number of commute trips using public transit from the census tract where the trips began | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_PUBLIC_TRANSIT_Trips_TripStart_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Commute Trips Walking | Replica | Number of commute trips walking from the census tract where the trips began | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_WALKING_Trips_TripStart_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Change in # of Walk Trips 2019-2022 | Replica | Difference in number of commute trips walking between 2022-2019 from the census tract where the trips began | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_Walk_TripStart_2019-2022_Diff_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Change in # of SOV Trips 2019-2022 | Replica | Difference in number of commute trips using private auto (SOV) between 2022-2019 from the census tract where the trips began | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_SOV_TripStart_2019-2022_Diff_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Commercial Freight Trip Origins | Replica | Number of commercial freight trips from the census tract where the trips began | Dec-24 | Commercial Freight | CommercialFreight_Trips_TripStart_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Origin) | Senior Services Traveling to Healthcare Land Uses | Replica | Number of trips ending in healthcare land uses where the rider's age is over 55 | Dec-24 | Senior Services | Senior_Services_Trip_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Total Commute Trips | Replica | Number of commuting trips from the census tract where the trips ended | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_Trips_TripEnd_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Average Trip Distance (Miles) | Replica | Average trip miles for commuting trips from the census tract where the trips ended | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_TripMiles_TripEnd_avg |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Commute Trips Biking | Replica | Number of commute trips biking from the census tract where the trips ended | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_BIKING_Trips_TripEnd_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Commute Trips Carpool | Replica | Number of commute trips carpooling from the census tract where the trips ended | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_CARPOOL_Trips_TripEnd_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Commute Trips On Demand Auto | Replica | Number of commute trips using on demand auto (ex. Uber, Lyft, etc.) from the census tract where the trips ended | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_ON_DEMAND_AUTO_Trips_TripEnd_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Commute Trips SOV | Replica | Number of commute trips using private auto (SOV) from the census tract where the trips ended | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_PRIVATE_AUTO_Trips_TripEnd_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Commute Trips Transit | Replica | Number of commute trips using public transit from the census tract where the trips ended | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_PUBLIC_TRANSIT_Trips_TripEnd_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Commute Trips Walking | Replica | Number of commute trips walking from the census tract where the trips ended | Dec-24 | Commute | Commute_WALKING_Trips_TripEnd_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Commercial Freight Trip Destinations | Replica | Number of commercial freight trips from the census tract where the trips ended | Dec-24 | Commercial Freight | CommercialFreight_Trips_TripEnd_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Trips Ending in Educational Land Uses | Replica | Number of trips ending in educational land uses | Dec-24 | Land Use | LU_Edu_TripEnd_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Destination) | Trips Ending in Healthcare Land Uses | Replica | Number of trips ending in healthcare land uses | Dec-24 | Land Use | LU_HlthCare_TripEnd_Cnt |
Demand Metric Layers (Block Group Demand) | Franklin | Replica | Total commute and SOV commute trip ending and originating in block groups in Franklin County | Dec-23 | Commute | N/A |
Demand Metric Layers (Block Group Demand) | Ostego | Replica | Total commute and SOV commute trip ending and originating in block groups in Otsego County | Commute | N/A | |
Facilities Layers | Multi Family Units | CoStar | Count of multi-family residences | Jul-23 | Facilities | Fac_MultiFamily_Cnt |
Facilities Layers | Proposed Warehouse and Distribution centers | CoStar | Count of proposed warehouse and distribution centers | Jul-23 | Facilities | N/A |
Facilities Layers | Warehouse and Distribution Centers | CoStar | Count of warehouse and distribution centers | Jul-23 | Facilities | Fac_WarehouseDistCent_Cnt |
Facilities Layers | Large Employers (150+ employees) | Dun and Bradstreet | Count of large employers (>= 150 employees) | Jul-23 | Facilities | Fac_LargeEmp_Cnt |
Facilities Layers | Tourism Locations | OpenStreetMap | Count of OpenStreetMap tourist attraction destinations | Sep-23 | Facilities | Fac_TourismAttr_Cnt and Fac_TourismRec_Cnt |
Shared Mobility Layers | GBFS Service Areas | GBFS | Bikeshare service areas | Quarterly | Sustainability | Sust_SharedMobSvc_Cnt |
Sustainable Mobility Layers | Electric Vehicle Charging Station | DOE Alternative Fuels Data Center | Electric Vehicle Charging Station Locations | Monthly | Sustainability | Sust_EVStation_Cnt |
Sustainable Mobility Layers | Park and Ride Lot | NYSDOT | Park and Ride Lot Locations | Not determined | Sustainability | Sust_Park_n_Ride_Cnt |
Sustainable Mobility Layers | Bike Routes | NYSDOT | NYSDOT designated bike routes | Aug-24 | Sustainability | N/A |
Sustainable Mobility Layers | National Walkability Index | EPA | Block group scores based on EPA walkability calculation. | Aug-24 | Sustainability | N/A |
Sustainable Mobility Layers | Transit Service frequency per square mile | EPA | Block group aggregate frequency of transit service per square mile. | Aug-24 | Sustainability | N/A |
Transit Layers | Transit Stop | GTFS | Location of transit stops | Jun-23 | Transit | Trans_RailStop_Cnt |
Transit Layers | Transit Routes | GTFS | Location of transit routes | Jun-23 | Transit | Trans_BusRoute_Cnt |
Transit Layers | On Demand Services Areas | Individual Transit Agencies | Areas where on-demand transit services are available. | Sep-23 | Transit | N/A |